About me
I am a second year Ph.D. student in the Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington, advised by Yulia Tsvetkov. I do research in Natural Language Processing, and I'm particularly interested in using computational methods to model and potentially discover cognitive processes.
Before grad school, I received my B.S. and M.S.E. at Johns Hopkins with majors in Computer Science, Cognitive Science (linguistics focus), and Applied Mathematics (statistics focus). I worked as a research assistant at the Center for Language and Speech Processing advised by Philipp Koehn and Kenton Murray.
My research interests: NLP, Clinical Reasoning, Social Reasoning, Human-Centered NLP, Multilinguality, and more!
Please contact me at stelli [at] cs.washington.edu if you are interested in my work!
Click here to view my CV (updated Dec. 24)
Current Projects
Interactive Medical Reasoning
I'm thinking about how to identify and proactively seek information using LLMs to improve diagnostic accuracy with statistical guarantee. How to make LLMs ask good questions? How do we model "intuition" in expert domains?
Community Norms & Values
How do people in different social groups interact differently? How do unspoken rules shape behaviors and interactions? This project aims to surface linguistic and social norms in online communities and align LLM agents to the discovered norms.
Presenting MediQ at Neurips2024 in Vancouver 🍁.
Presenting ValueScope and Multilingual Abstention at EMNLP2024 in Miami 🌴.
Joining Meta FAIR as a visiting researcher.
Giving a talk at Responsible AI for Health Symposium (RAIHS) on MediQ.
Giving a talk at MSR Real-world Evidence Lab on MediQ.
Check out our new paper "ValueScope: Unveiling Implicit Norms and Values via Return Potential Model of Social Interactions to see how we "read the room" using LLMs.
Check out our new paper "MEDIQ: Question-Asking LLMs for Adaptive and Reliable Clinical Reasoning in which we teach LLMs to ask--instead of answer--clinical questions!
Presenting Condensing Multilingual Knowledge with Lightweight Language-Specific Modules at EMNLP2023 in Singapore!